Modu is video buzzing

Techcrunch's Erick Schonfeld is launching a new service, Modu.

Erick Schonfeld wrote this morning on Techcrunch about Modu‘s teaser video. Apparently, instead of posting a static page with a “new service coming soon” and a box to drop your email, Modu made the extra effort of providing visitors a video that hints on the nature of the soon-to-be-released product.

That’s pretty smart, as no sooner than this morning, I had to postpone a video interview with a company because the Ceo didn’t get his business partners’ permission to talk about his new product. Modu has avoided this delicate situation with a teaser that suggests something that the viewer is free to interpret.

Erick Schonfeld titled his post: Modu Wants You To Guess What It Is All About. I think that is Modu’s intention and I’ve rarely heard of a better way to generate some buzz around a product without clearly showing it, plus the video production is smooth and clean-cut.