Have you ever wanted to jump into the real estate business but never made the move? It takes a lot of practice to understand what defines the value of a home. Real estate prices vary constantly, depending on the mood of the market, but mostly depending on the value that each individual attributes to the house.
Do you feel the need to practice your market insight? Realius is a new online fantasy real estate game. The first game you can play so far is Price Me Now: See it as an online multiplayer Price is Right game for real estate. Once signed in, you’ll be shown houses with full descriptions, as if you were to buy it.
At that point, just make an educated guess on the value of the house. Your guess is then compared with the guess of other players.The more you play, the more Realius’ algorithms determine your IQ in the real estate market. The startup organizes competitions to put some stakes in the game. Plus, players gather points that give access to real discounts in participating stores.
The game is really fun. But Chuck Teller, CEO of Realius, won’t stop there. Check out the video-interview to see what other games are under development. In addition, Chuck’s vision goes beyond real estate. Realius predictions gaming platform can be adapted for other types of products like collectible cars. But that’s another story.
For now, I am challenging anyone to go on Realius and beat my hustling 150 IQ! (look for exaakax)
Additional info on Realius:
Interviewed by Hyve Up – Realius blog
Realius – Bringing Joy Back To Real Estate? – Mortgage News Daily
Realius: How To Market in a Web 2.0 World – The Real Estate Bloggers
Realius Price me now demo – fantasy real estate game – Youtube Video, SmartHippo
Fantasy Realty – Reno Real Estate Logic