I am a proud and addicted user of the G1 the same way that iPhone and Blackberry users are addicted to their phones. One recent update the Android team made on the phone was the automatic detection of applications updates, which made the aTrackDog app obsolete… But not quite.

Today, I stumbled upon this post about the aTrackDog app on the Androidandme blog. It explains why you shouldn’t get rid of the app despite the Android update. Read along:
Some of the extra features available to users of the app are:
* Skip tracking of specific apps. I have actually uninstalled other apps because I got annoyed with the alerts I kept receiving from the market. That is no longer a problem with this app.
* Ability to track non-market apps. If you have any 3rd party apps installed on your Android device, you can still track newer versions.
* Uninstall and App Info shortcuts. From inside the app you can easily see how much space an app is taking up and delete it with a single tap. Also available is a link to the Application Info page where you can manage the app settings.
* Scan on demand. There is no way to control when the Android Market updater runs but with aTrackDog you can perform a scan at any time.
That has convinced me to rush to the market and download the app again. And I strongly recommend you do the same 😉