Spreadtweet Is Twitter In Disguise

In the category of the most creative Twitter apps for desktop, Spreadtweet is definitely a winner! The idea is pretty straightforward, and the creator of the app puts it this way:

So, you work at a big corporate, huh?
And you’re not allowed to use Twitter…
Wouldn’t it be awesome if there were a Twitter tool
that looked just like Excel?

And the result is the screenshot you see above. I have said it many times, I am a Twitter apps hater, because they are a waste of my attention. Since Spreadtweet was designed to be hidden, it is the ideal Twitter app for my needs: discrete, with a manual reloading feature, a non-obstrusive interface… I love it.

For all the other Twitter desktop applications out there, this is an example you should follow. Not everybody wants live updates about everything that goes on. Some of us just want to check out the latest tweets the same way we check out the latest news.

(via tychay)