Youtube‘s agility and pertinence keep stunning me. Today, I noticed this when opening the upload page :
For starters, Friendfeed just lost one unique feature: Linking Youtube to Twitter.
Also, I can’t help but link this new addition to the Android’s recent release of video uploads to Youtube through the Android app. This means that anyone can upload videos to Youtube while on the go, share it automatically, and receive feedbacks through Twitter. Well, anyone could do this if Twitter offered @myname email alerts: Then it would be easily accessible and widely used.
I love that Facebook is there too! I have a personal Youtube channel, so hooking this channel up to my Facebook stream is going to spare me the effort of sharing the link on Facebook after it’s done uploading.
I think this is a small step for the dev team, but a big one towards networks’ interconnectedness. The thing with video is that you start the upload, and then you have time to write a post about a new autosharing feature before it is done uploading and transcoding. Now, Youtube pings you and your friends (unless you set the video on private) when the video is ready to watch.
To optimize your video visibility on Twitter, write the video title as if it was a tweet to someone. Or use a hashtag to index your video directly in a category. So much to be done !
On the other end, I have yet to see what Google Reader sharing is. I imagine it appears as a shared item in my friends’ feeds, but I don’t see the point of that. My friends don’t accept to follow my content on Google Reader, they accept to follow the content I share. I like this though because it is a little hint on how Google is trying to make people connect around items on the Web (aka build a Google social network): through Google Reader (and iGoogle by extension, I imagine).
A little research on the Web did not pulled back any explanation for Google Reader: ReelSEO
Inside Facebook
Update: The Google Reader autoshare feature places your latest videos in your shared items:
Again, I don’t find this really relevant, but maybe it will be when Friendconnect will centralize the social structure around Google products…