G1 Apps: Google Analytics on Android

Even on the go, I need to get a detailed overview of my traffic at any time. I am a Getclicky user (with a g analytics account as a backup), but the Clicky site is not really optimized for a mobile experience. I turned to the Android app market to see what was available to explore my traffic, and two free apps (I have that free lunch philosophy) popped up that offer to track your traffic through Google Analytics: Droid Analytics and mAnalytics. I tested how both perform, and here is the result of the battle:

Droid Analytics vs mAnalytics


mAnalytics has a very simple and intuitive user interface. You start with the list of your site; after selecting one, select your date/date range; see your traffic in terms of visits/pageviews/pages-visit/bounce rate/average-time-on-site/%new-visits.
Unfortunately, that’s about it for mAnalytics. Maybe online marketing beginners will find a benefit to such a simple application, but the app isn’t attractive enough to compete with a browser-based experience.

Droid Analytics

Droid Analytics also starts with the list of your sites. Once inside a site’s analytics, you can press the “view as graph” button to see your page views, visitors, visits, bounce rate, average time on site or page views per visits on a graph. You can see hourly stats, weekly, monthly, yearly, or use the date range selector.
The visual experience that Droid Analytics offers takes the analytics experience up a notch. mAnalytics is already down, but Droid Analytics keeps kicking its opponent with this feature: For each Website tracked, you can also view their top keywords, top countries, top sources of traffic, top search engines, top referring sites, and top browsers. I personally really like the top keywords option. It’s a nice way to remind you how people find your site while you are waiting at the bus stop, and reflecting upon your online marketing strategy.
Droid Analytics also has a paid version (0.99 euro). Eventually, if you like the app, you will have to pay as the free version is only a 24-hour trial. The app has a 5-star average rating, and the comments are all very enthusiastic.

The alternative is Mobile GA for Android, but the app is $2.99, it only has 3 stars, and the comments are not really positive, so I didn’t even bother to try it out.