RateItAll, the consumer-ratings engine, just released a pretty unique feature for posting reviews online. First and foremost, each item on RateItAll now comes with a unique email address. For example, if you would like to review this blog, simply send your review to this email address – reviews+i1060190@rateitall.com – and RateItAll will automatically post it on HyveUp’s review page.
This is pretty useful if you want to encourage customers to rate your business: Writing a quick email is much more likely to happen then signing up to a Website to drop a quick review.
RateItAll goes an extra mile though, and releases another way to post reviews to RateItAll: Simply send reviews to reviews@rateitall.com, and the consumer-ratings engine does the rest:
If you don’t want to bother with the specific email addresses, you can send your review to reviews@rateitall.com. Your review will post instantly, and again, we will send you a link to where you can see it. No login or registration required. The thing you are reviewing goes in the Subject Line (e.g. Ritual Roasters), and the rating and review go in the body.
This tool is seriously taking down the fences between an opinion and a review. Any business could encourage their customers to send a review about the business they are at to reviews@rateitall.com. Anyone with a cell phone could easily do that today. I think RateItAll just made online reviews easier than it’s ever been before!