The controversial Twitter app EchoTweets announced a few days ago the addition of a wide set of game-changing features that definitely challenge Twitter in its quest to curate trending topics.
EchoTweets is the service that decided that a tweet shouldn’t be limited to one account, and could be duplicated across accounts, even though you only have to hit ‘tweet’ once. Here is the list of new features:
Moderated Echo Accounts: When your Echo Accounts sign up, they can now choose to be moderated or unmoderated. If an Echo Account chooses to be moderated, they will receive an email each time you send an Echo Tweet and they can simply click a link to approve or deny your retweet request. Unmoderated accounts will automatically retweet your tweet without notification.
Standard retweet text added to retweets: You can now choose to have all retweets start with the text “RT @hyveup” (followed by your message). Once Twitter adds retweets to their API, we hope to have an even better integration.
Send Echo Tweets from any Twitter client: Instead of being required to use to send an Echo Tweet, you may now use the Twitter client of your choice. Simply send a Direct Message to @ETRelay and within 5 minutes, the message that you sent will be tweeted from your main account and retweeted from all of your Echo Accounts!
Add an Echo Account sign-up form directly on your website: We now allow customers to embed an iFrame on their website and let people sign up as Echo Accounts directly on their website. Your Echo Accounts never need to actually visit anymore. All it takes is copying and pasting some HTML code.
More Exposure: We have added a random selection of our Basic and Pro users to our homepage as well as users page. This means more exposure and more followers!
Introductory price offer: Get more for your money. You can now sign up for our Basic account for only $5/month or our Pro account for only $12/month (never any activation or cancellation fees). Customers who sign up by the end of November can lock in this introductory rate.
Coming soon…
Scheduled Tweets: Set up your Echo Tweets in advance and we’ll make sure they get set out on the schedule you choose.
Paid Tweets: We are bringing together the top Twitter users to help pass on your message. Soon you will be able to pay-per-tweet.
Wow, that is a lot of sweetness for marketers! Very soon, all our tweets will be retweeted indefinitely across the twittersphere until they crash against each other. The Twitter marketer of tomorrow will be very savvy physicians!