It’s hard to manually manage all of your contacts. Even Twitter doesn’t really offer a way to do this in a breeze. Enters Tweepi, my favorite contact manager for Twitter. Tweepi makes managing Twitter contacts easy by displaying all of them in a spreadsheet:
Organizing contacts this way makes it easy to view a lot of information in a reduced visual space: Followers, following, tweets in the last 7 days, RT done, RTs by others, last tweeted… There is all the behavioral info on your Twitter contacts you need to have to make an educated choice on who to follow/unfollow. If you are like me (i.e. lazy), you’d like a system that tells you directly who is following you and who isn’t for example. Tweepi’s got that covered.
Tweepi offers 4 different tools to follow/unfollow tweeps.
- They called the first one ‘Geeky Follow’. If you need suggestions on who to follow, just enter the name of a person you like on Twitter, and Tweepi will recommend people based on the network of that person. This is a great way to keep your network consistent, and have recommendation engines identify you as a consistent person.
- The second one (my favorite) is the ‘Flush’ tool. It simply shows you everyone that is not following you back on Twitter, and you can unfollow all of them in two clicks.
- The third tool is the ‘Reciprocate’ tool, and as the name says, it enables you to bulk-follow everyone that follows you on Twitter.
- The fourth tool is called ‘cleanup’: When using that tool, Tweepi displays all the tweeps you follow on Twitter, and you select who you want/don’t want to follow. This tool is handy if at one point you turned the auto-follow on, and you need to undo that mistake.
Recently, Tweepi integrated a new feature to its service: The safelist. If there are tweeps syou absolutely want to keep following, but you are worried to unfollow them in a bulk operation, then mark them in your safelist, and you’ll be safely bulk unfollowing tweeps from now on.
Managing Twitter contacts is a huge challenge. Twitter is still on a growth curve, but the product is still way too geeky for regular folks. Tweepi is a bit geeky too, but it makes your Twitter network much more easier to visualize and to manage. Bloggers like to make lists of which applications Twitter should acquire, and I think that a product like Tweepi is a good candidate.