Mexico is one of the first countries to create a regulatory law for Fintech startups. Thanks to that, more people give confidence to the sector, although some critics consider that it could also put a brake on innovation.
We can now find several startups that have consolidated in the market. Many of them offer an investment alternative in Mexico, outside traditional banks. Both savers and investors can find in them an option to obtain higher annual percentage yields or even become owners of companies.
These are some of the Fintech platforms focused on investment in Mexico. (Amounts are in Mexican pesos).
Crowd-equity platforms
Play Business
In Play Business, you can own a startup or franchise with a little investment. This platform is the first to test crowd-equity in Mexico. Even it presumes to be a case of innovation in legal frameworks.
Minimum amount: $ 800 per month
Propeler allows investing in emerging and growing Mexican companies. The available startups have shown strength and rapid development.
Minimum amount: $ 15,000
Crowd-lending platforms
Kubo.financiero offers two investment products: kubo.impulso and kubo.plazofijo. Kubo.plazofijo allows fixed-term investments where investors can obtain up to 11% annual percentage yield. In Kubo.impulso, you choose who to lend your money to, following the model of loans from person to person (p2p lending). In this model, interests may vary.
Minimum amount: $ 10,000
YoTePresto is a crowdlending platform. It offers investors an average annual rate of 17.5% and 97% of its users pay on time.
Minimum amount: $ 200
Doopla is another platform from person to person. It offers average returns of 16%, with terms of 3 to 30 months and the possibility of diversifying your portfolio.
Initial investment: $ 2,500
Real Estate crowd-funding platforms
This platform allows you to invest in real estate. One of the advantages of M2Crowd is that your money generates 5.5% returns since you deposit in the bank, without having to wait for the project to be funded.
Minimum amount: $ 1,000 – $ 50,000. It varies on the project
Like M2Crowd, you can invest in real estate with this platform. It offers annual percentage yields of up to 28% per year and allows you to follow up on your investment.
Minimum amount: $ 50, 000
Meet José González, COO of @m2crowd, and discover the platform with a more in depth presentation.
— BrickFunding (@BrickFunding) August 2, 2018
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