The National Institute of Statistics reported that salaries in Chile increased by 1.2%. If we consider that the Chilean economy grew 4%, it is an increase below what was expected. It is the worst performance in the last five years.
However, outsourcing workers increased their average gross salary, from 712K pesos to 740K pesos in a year, according to a study by the Association of Human Resource Companies (Agest). This amount is a 4% increase. The time dedicated to the training of these workers also increased, reaching 41%.
De acuerdo a un estudio de la Asociación de Empresas de Recursos Humanos, el sueldo bruto promedio de las personas contratadas por Outsourcing incrementó, pasando de 712 mil pesos a 740 mil en 12 meses. Puedes visualizar más detalles del estudio aquí ➡️
— Randstad Chile (@Randstad_cl) April 26, 2019
Transitory Services are expanding
Transitory Services improves wages, too. Gross income increased by 31%, from 489K to 641K pesos at the end of 2018. These numbers indicate that this kind of contracts is expanding to higher rated positions. Workers with technical studies raised by 3%.
Francisco Torres, director of staffing & outsourcing of the multinational consultant of Human Resources Randstad, indicates that “it is a good news for the market, since it is a tool that grants flexibility to the companies, besides allowing to have the necessary personnel during periods critical, such as summer and school time, increasing employability between October and March. It is worth mentioning that the period of the contract allowed is up to 180 days in the greatest causes, however, in case of medical leave or holidays it covers full periods, favoring the continuity of the work without causing damages due to absences from the permanent endowment.”
The companies that make up the Association have high expectations for 2019. “More and more companies are checking the advantages of Outsourcing, both for the same organization, which allows you to adapt their structures according to the changing needs of the market and focus on your core business; as for the employees, who have access to a flexible working day and can be gaining specialization in a specific item or position, since the contract can be by project or indefinite, “says Torres.