Agustina Fainguersch has extensive experience as a backend and frontend developer, director, project manager, event organizer, marketing, and consultant. Also, she has had the opportunity to participate in research, experiments, and work related to robotics, artificial intelligence, cryptography, image recognition, and security systems.
The inspiring people and the challenges that he experienced when he was part of the Global Solutions Program of the Singularity University formed him an ethic and an attitude.
Agustina es una emprendedora serial. Fue fundadora de Muzi, una compañía de la Singularity University que busca democratizar e incentivar los diagnósticos médicos con IA avanzada, aprendizaje máquina y reconocimiento de imagen para así obtener un impacto positivo en el sector salud.
Actualmente Agustina Fainguersch es CEO de Wolox, un laboratorio de experiencias digitales que se especializa en crear soluciones digitales para diferentes industrias.
The MIT Tech Review recognized Agustina Fainguersch as an MIT Innovator Under 35, for her work with Muzi. He has recently participated in efforts to create technological and programming communities in Buenos Aires. Some of her most recent projects include a network of women in technology, DeltaX impact startup accelerator, and a community of women in leadership around the world.
Agustina is passionate about creating a positive impact in the world with the use of technology, and that is the mission that has proposed in life.