Emmanuel Franck Biya

Emmanuel Franck Biya, born in 1971, is a Cameroonian entrepreneur and businessman.

Emmanuel Franck Biya: Education

• 1989-1994: University of Southern California (USC), double major in economics and political science

Emmanuel Franck Biya: Early days

Emmanuel Franck Biya studied economics and political science at the University of Southern California (USC) where he graduated in 1994. He received most of his pre- high school education in Yaoundé, Cameroon.

Emmanuel Franck Biya: Career

In 2004, Emmanuel Franck Biya founded a private fund called Venture Capital plc, investing in several companies in Africa and abroad. From 1997 to 2004, he was a partner at I.N.G.F., a company specialized in forestry. Before that, from 1995 to 1997, he was an intern at a banking conglomerate called B.E.A.C. (Bank of Central African States) in Cameroon, working at the bureau of monetary regulation for banks in Central Africa.

Emmanuel Franck Biya: Distinctions

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Emmanuel Franck Biya: Other facts

Emmanuel Franck Biya is married and a father of 4.

Emmanuel Franck Biya: Publications

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Emmanuel Franck Biya: Other links