Murotech, Mexican company awarded in Geneva

Murotech is a Mexican company based in Jalisco. Recently the company received an award for the quality of its innovative walls.

The international organization Business Initiative Direction awarded the International Star for Quality award to the Mexican company Murotech. The CEO of the company, Vidal González Durán Vázquez received the award in Geneva, Switzerland.

Murotech was recognized in the Gold category of the International Star Award for Leaders for its innovative construction system and high technology.

Murotech is a company in the Mexican state of Jalisco that manufactures pre-built walls. Although its base of operations has been in Guadalajara for ten years, its first clients found them in other cities such as Queretaro, Irapuato, Celaya, Merida, Chihuahua, and Monterrey. Only with time they gained confidence with Jalisco and Mexico City customers

González Durán told El Economista that Murotech “is a system of concrete panels based on polymers, silicate, clays, cement and a series of components. It is a technology that was hybridized; what we were doing over the years was to hybridize a system of lightened panels to a concrete base construction system for Mexican construction”.

Among the advantages offered by its technology is a 35% savings in energy expenditure of air conditioning, thanks to its walls are cooled and heated more quickly. Therefore, the hotel industry is one of its potential customers, as explained by the CEO of Murotech “Hostelry is the sector that best receives the high performance of the energy charge for the savings in the cost of air conditioners, the issue of resisting the humidity, although we also use it in homes, warehouses, offices and shops “.

The characteristics of the walls allow the company to have the necessary certifications for the construction in Mexico, since they have a high resistance to humidity, acoustic load, fire, earthquakes, and thermal transfer, according to El Informador.

Murotech is in the process of expansion. The company will open offices in the United States and will participate in the Michatoya Pacífico project in Guatemala. Michatoya project will develop a free zone of exclusive economic development for the Central American country.

“We plan to open a plant in Guatemala to cover the Central American market, and we have a developed model of co-participation in the city of Michatoya,” said the businessman.