Between 2017 and 2018, 746K cyber attacks occurred in Latin America, 60% more than in the previous period. This security issue is a problem that is increasing and requires taking both political and Cybersecurity measures to address it.
In Latin America, investments in Cybersecurity will represent a billionaire business, according to the figures of the consultant Return Comstor, which calculates that these reach 12 trillion dollars. By 2019, it is estimated that 10% of this figure will be spent.
Concerns about Cybersecurity are increasing, but despite the importance given to the problem, the measures may be insufficient.
In this context, initiatives such as 8.8 Computer Security Conference have been pioneers in cybersecurity issues, promoting the concept of “ethical hacking” in companies and sharing knowledge on technical elements in the field to update human talent.
The 8.8 is a conference that promotes knowledge of Cybersecurity in Latin America, mainly in Mexico, Bolivia, Peru, and Chile, where lectures are given.
To promote the development of regional talent, in Chile, they have decided to decentralize the event so that technical conferences on information security are presented outside of Santiago.
“This year we made an old wish, which is to decentralize the Santiago conference and this year we are going to do three regional 8.8 meetings, which will be itinerant since they will not be repeated every year in the same cities. These regional conferences allow us to reach many more people and thus continue our horizon that is to share and democratize knowledge in Cybersecurity and thus create a safer Chilean community and society “details Gabriel Bergel, Co-Founder and CEO of 8.8 Computer Security Conference.
The first regional conference to be held in Chile will be on June 26 in Concepción and Talcahuano, in the south of the country. This conference will feature local, national, and international experts.
The conference has a strictly technical nature, which is why papers with commercial objectives are not accepted. The main goal of the event is “to share information, democratize knowledge and create community,” according to the organizers.
The registration to the event can be done both at the doors of the game and online from the page of 8dot8. Papers are also posted online, and proposals will be accepted until July 15.