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Actinver wants to train people about how the stock market works with this challenge.

Actinver presents a new issuance of the contest for the stock market training Challenge Actinver 2019. In this contest, young university students and the general public will have the opportunity to know how the Mexican Stock Exchange works with this initiative, with the possibility of winning 500 thousand pesos in prizes.

Actinver, one of Mexico’s private banks due to the volume of its accounts, seeks to promote investment between university students and the general public with this initiative. Participants can learn how BMV works through a real-time simulator in which they can invest one million virtual pesos.

Making the stock market simple

For many generations, people have opted for traditional ways to invest their money by considering that the stock market is only for financial experts. This idea has made savers get fewer benefits for their savings. 

Actinver has sought to change this mentality for ten years with a virtual game where people can simulate what it is like to invest in the stock market. The Actinver Stock Market Challenge promotes financial education with a financial competence that tests the participants’ abilities to invest wisely in the Mexican Stock Exchange.

In addition to the contest, participants will receive expert advice through conferences and online courses that will allow them to understand the world of finance better and, thus, make better economic decisions.

In the Actinver Challenge, participants will receive one million virtual pesos that they will use to invest in the stock market for six weeks. At this time, they will test their different financial skills as they enter the Bursati world. If they prove to be the best investment, the participants can take their stakes to another level with the prize of 500 thousand pesos offered by the contest.

As part of the challenge, participants will receive one million virtual pesos that must be invested in actions seeking the highest returns, and based on these. One winner will be selected per week. At the end of the six weeks, the three absolute winners of the contest will be chosen.

Learn to invest, learn to save

The phrase “the most important thing is to participate” also has a place in this contest, because the participants of the challenge will be able to learn to use new tools and develop capacities that will serve them for a lifetime through the hand of one of the best financial analysis groups of Mexico.

“For us, it is an honor to celebrate more than a decade demonstrating that investment in the stock market can be a significant recreational activity for future generations and a way to earn money,” said Héctor Madero, President of Actinver Financial Group. 

In Mexico, the culture of saving and investment is scarce. Actinver seeks to change this situation through more than 20 online and face-to-face courses, webinars, and economic talks that will be available to all challenge participants.

Participation in the Stock Market Challenge is open to all persons over 18 years of age, without the need for previous experience, university studies, or permanent work.

The cost of registration to the challenge is one thousand pesos or five hundred pesos for university students. With this amount, participants have the opportunity to receive advice from the best investment specialists of the Actinver Financial Education Center and the Mexican Stock Exchange School. The price to the contest is accessible if it is considered that personal finance courses in the street can cost up to 4,000 pesos.

Those who wish to participate in the Actinver 2019 Stock Market Challenge should enter the website Once enrolled in the contest, they can access more than 20 online and virtual courses, in addition to knowing all the events in which they can participate in the BMV.