Learn the basics of Web Design from your home

The increase in e-commerce and the use of mobile devices make web design in demand today.

Web development is one of the professions that will grow faster in the coming years. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, job offers for web developers will increase by 15% from 2016 to 2026. Best Technology Jobs considers web development as the sixth-best work in technology.

The increase in e-commerce and the use of mobile devices make this work very much in demand today. The forecasts predict that this trend will continue shortly. The need for these professionals is growing at a faster rate than the staff trained for the job. Therefore, it is also one of the highest-paid professions.

In the United States, the average salary of a web developer is $ 88K per year. Although this salary is lower for Latin American peers, it still represents an attractive salary. In Mexico, the average income of a web developer is $ 12 K per year, while in Panama, it reaches $ 26 K. These salaries are still above 95% of the wages of those countries. Job prospects increase if you also know English.

These salaries make people find it increasingly attractive to learn some web development. Whether you want to turn your career around, want to have more control over your projects, or to have an advantage over your university colleagues, this is an excellent time to learn the basics of this expanding area.


If there are many materials available online to learn in a subject, it is in web development. However, sometimes, you don’t know where to start.

For the beginner, it is best to start with the HTML markup language. HTML is the language of the web, developed by Tim Berners-Lee about thirty years ago. The next step will be to enter the CSS, which will allow incorporating more attractive designs to the web pages. To create dynamic pages, you must enter JavaScript, the preferred programming language for browsers. Finally, you can complete your training with SQL, which will allow you to manage databases.

Perhaps one of the best pages available for self-taught is W3Schools. This site is entirely free and offers an interface that allows you to experiment with the code. The courses are organized, logically, and progressively. They are also updated on the latest standards used in the industry.

The Learn to Code HMTL & CSS page also offers information to learn the basics of web design in a text course that seeks to integrate both languages from the beginning. The designer and developer Shay Howe is responsible for this site.

If you need a guided learner, these are some of the resources they find online to learn the basics of web design.


Online courses are a way in which Latin American professionals remain competitive. They take advantage of platforms such as Coursera, Platzi, or Acamica.com. These platforms help them stay updated on trends that are increasingly important in the industry, such as data analysis or machine learning. However, these platforms also have enough resources for beginners.

The University of Michigan offers its Web Design for Everybody: Basics of Web Development & Coding specialization program through Coursera. This English course provides those who have little or no knowledge of information technology to enter this field. The course costs approximately $ 50 per month. Therefore, if you complete it before, you finish it back.

For those looking for content in Spanish, Platzi.com may be the best option. This site offers an Online Web Development Course that covers essential topics such as CSS and HTML.

Among the advantages offered by online courses is the flexibility of schedules and the possibility of evaluating progress. However, these sites are sometimes not the best to receive feedback on the progress one has in the study and sometimes offer invalid certificates.


Microverse is a remote school for web developers with a rather peculiar business model. Microverse does not charge students anything until they find a job. This deal sounds pretty attractive, but entering the program is complicated. To apply, applicants must go through several programming tests and show their ability to work in teams, as well as fluency in English.

If you have already learned the basics of web design on your own and want to pursue a professional career in this area, it may be a good idea to apply to this program. Apply here.


Once you know the basics of web design, consider boosting your career with an internship. If you are making a career change, this may not be so simple, because most companies only offer these job opportunities to young university students in technological careers. However, there are companies like Blue Trail Software with open boarding programs for any age.

An internship will allow you to have valid work practice. It also allows you to have the possibility of working on projects that you can show later to your potential clients or employers.