Microsoft Mexico shared the progress of one of the new tools to help face the most frequent and persistent challenges in the area of health in the face of COVID-19, in collaboration with the company specialized in the development and implementation of virtual assistants, Intelligent Chatbots.
In a press release, Microsoft highlighted that the goal within healthcare is to empower individuals and businesses to address the complex challenges facing the healthcare industry today, helping through joint innovation through collaboration with their clients and partners as a trusted technology provider.
A Chatbots Team
The Intelligent Chatbots team, led by Fernando Galván, CEO of the company, decided to take the initiative in creating a tool – which is already working – that could solve frequently asked questions about COVID-19 using artificial intelligence, the challenge It was not only technical, it was also necessary to integrate a team made up of scientific and health professionals to create the knowledge base supported by articles from the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention from the United States and the Mexican government.
This service is hosted in Azure, the Microsoft cloud, and they used tools such as Azure Bot Services that allow you to create everything from a question and answer bot to a brand virtual assistant; and Cognitive Services, a comprehensive family of artificial intelligence services and cognitive Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that help create smart applications. Microsoft provided support throughout this process in the architecture, deployment, and data management part for the creation of the application with specialists in Artificial Intelligence.
The service arrives free of charge to all the population that requests it and was designed, developed, and implemented in a record time of 5 days; This tool works through a question-answer interaction and can attend up to 900,000 queries per day. The user submits his question in a single sentence and the system searches the knowledge base for the most appropriate answer, including a risk analysis system for having contracted COVID-19, -based on the Spanish algorithm of the site-.
Until April 16 of this year, the Chatbot had attended more than 19 thousand consultations, where 32.49% of the total consulted the prediagnosis system, 22.56% consulted more recent figures, and 17% about symptoms; Also, 11% asked questions about myths and facts, and 8% about how to protect themselves from the virus.
The Chatbot answers frequently asked questions such as Myths and realities of Covid-19, homemade antibacterial gel formula, is Mexico prepared for such a pandemic as COVID-19? How many deaths are there in the world from COVID-19? How do you know how many affected people there are in America? How can I work from home ? among others. Also, this same knowledgebase can be increased with new question-answer pairs that the federal government wants to implement.
This tool works through Facebook Messenger at