According to a study conducted by IDC Brazil, 42% of companies intend to start the process of digital transformation between 2019 and 2021, and it is expected that investments in information technology and communications (ICT) will grow 4.9 % this year.
In this process of digital transformation, outsourcing services contracting is an ally to optimize spending, especially with the labor reform of July 2017 in Brazil that made this practice more flexible.
Delphos has taken advantage of these facilities so that companies can contract external services for crucial activities of the company, explains Elisabete Prado of the company’s board of directors.
Delphos was the first service company created specifically to serve the Brazilian insurance market. The company can provide services in any activity related to the various insurance lines, from preliminary risk analysis to accident regulation, with an emphasis on information technology. This company has 52 years of experience in the insurance sector.
“Outsourcing projects with high technology use increasingly influence the business of companies, but it is not the time to gain experience in this area, therefore, having a service provider with a lot of experience and time to act is the most advantageous option, “says the executive.
Delphos, which has more than 50 years of experience in the insurance market, is occupied to a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) to assist companies in the management of their portfolios, manage policies, process premiums, reinsurance, insurance, regulating claims and supporting all other steps of the operation. “The production of the insurer can be supported by the use of the systems or the resources of our personnel, infrastructure, and solutions, which avoids them considerable administrative expenses of maintaining their own structure,” explains Elisabete.
Another remarkable point in the services provided by the company is that, due to its experience in claims regulation processes in the Property and People segment, especially in the Housing and Life segments, which have DFI, Death and Permanent Disability coverage, Delphos offers the achievement of Experience in Engineering and Medical Experience through its accredited network, for example.
“Investing in the contracting of external services is to delegate everything secondary to focus on the main business,” says the executive.
The BPO service of Delphos Insurance has a constant evaluation of the methodologies, which guarantees the quality and the reduction of the delivery times. “The team is composed of senior insurance analysts, experienced and specialized in the management of portfolios of any size,” Prado also stressed.